Just a guy who loves art and animation. And I also like to draw cartoon ducks.

João Luís @JLuisJoni

Age 26, Male

Freelance Animator

School of life, I guess.

Somewhere in Portugal

Joined on 12/11/18

Exp Points:
89 / 100
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.38 votes
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> 100,000
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So, uh... I decided to start everything over from scratch. I wasn't entirely satisfied with the stuff I had completed, and I've evolved a fair bit since the last completed page of Issue 1. Plus, I made changes to several characters midway(especially visually), and I could've just used in-universe reasons to explain any changes... Except the sudden shift in art style and methods. 'Cuz things went from clean, glowy lineart with clean airbrush shading to rough, pixelated lineart and rough pencil-esque shading to give everything a more... "raw", imperfect look. Could have the 4th wall breaking character interrupt things to explain it, but that so does no good to the pacing.

So yeah. I'm starting my little passion project, Kickass Jerks, over from scratch. And believe me, it isn't the first time. I've been working on this series for close to 5 years, and counting this, it's been restarted 7 times. It's pretty much unrecognizable from its first incarnations. The characters have largely survived all the transitions, they've just been put in different roles almost every time. Really, the only characters that have kept their role from the start are the protagonist, Keito, and his best friend, Nathan, serving as the tritagonist of the series(the role of deuteragonist tends to shift with the main love interest).

TL;DR, my little passion project is starting over from scratch.

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2,205 Points

Rank: GI 50 Points

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Rank: CA 50 Points

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xXn00bslayerXx 10 Points

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Rank: PD 50 Points

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Team says Hi! 10 Points

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Curious Mind 10 Points

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Terminal Effort 25 Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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